
Diabetes and the 8 effective measures for its management

Diabetes refers to a clinical syndrome in which there is an increase in plasma blood glucose concentration. This may be due to defects in insulin secretion or defective insulin action or sometimes a combination of both. In INDIA over the years there is an exponential increased in the number of people who suffer from Diabetes, the total number of known case are approximately 77 million and counting.


Get Freedom from Stress! The10 permanent Solutions

What is Stress? Stress is a type of bodies own emotional, physical, cognitive and behavioral response to different stimulus and situations which are found to be challenging and threatening. it manifest itself in several different forms such as physical problems Read More

YOGA – As a Modern Therapeutic Intervention

Yoga emerged from ancient Hindu scriptures as a discipline to achieve greatness among saints in olden days, yoga comes from a Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means union and in fact, it is a complete union of mind body and spirituality. Read More